There was a time, not that long ago, that I would have done anything to get rid of my back pain.
And I mean anything!
My insurance had just denied my request for surgery and I was tired of having steroid injections only to have the pain return a couple of weeks later.
I had hit rock bottom and was open to trying anything.
I remember spending 20 minutes venting on my coach about my frustration with the pain, the fear I had for my future and how scared I was that I would never be able to roll around and have fun with the kids because of the excruciating pain.
As the session drew to a close my coach recommended that I check out the mind-body approach to healing. I almost dismissed the idea because I had spent years and a lot of money working with various medical specialists. I had copies of my MRI scans where I could see a huge, herniated disk.
There was no way an approach that seemed so simple would heal my pain.
My pain was real!
But it is rare for a coach to offer such a direct suggestion and I was desperate.
Thank goodness my desperation left me open for suggestions because the mind-body approach to healing has literally changed my life.
Not a day goes by that I am not crawling around on the floor having fun with the kids!
Maybe you have had persistent pain for years and have blamed it on things such as bad posture, a sporting injury or carrying children. Or maybe you have been diagnosed with something that you are sure gets worse when you are under pressure.
If yes… Here are some easy ways to check out the mind-body approach to healing to see if it could help you too.
It could be easier than you think to get your health and life back on track.
What do you have to lose?
TMS Wiki – Free Pain Recovery Program
The site has 2 free pain recovery programs. Both designed to help you under the mind-body connection and the way pain is created in the body.
And yes… You will discover your pain is real.
If you need further convincing you will also be able to find thousands of success stories with very similar physical symptoms as you.
This was one of the first steps on my healing journey.
The Mind and Body Podcast
I wish I had known about this podcast when I was in pain!
I discovered the Mind and Fitness podcast once I was already pain-free and training to become a practitioner myself.
Each week Eddy interviews either a practitioner or someone with an incredible recovery story.
The common message is that the mind and body are connected, and we can heal ourselves by helping to settle our nervous systems. However, each practitioner has their own amazing stories and unique methods for helping clients and healing pain.
Podcast for apple
Podcast for android
Curable App
This app has been created by some of the greatest minds in this new and emerging field. With more than 10,000 members it is packed with expert advice, meditations and reminders on the mind-body approach.
They offer a free trial. If you are in pain give it a try.
Coaching by Gemma McFall
My journey of healing started when I read the book “Healing Back Pain” by John Sarno.
Every word resonated and by the end of the second chapter I was 100% convinced the years of pain I had experienced were due to the mind-body connection.
Now that I am working with clients, I can see that unless we fully believe our bodies can heal this approach will never work. Find a book, podcast or video that resonates for you and dig in.
I then threw myself into the online program mentioned at the top of the page. This involved me doing loads of journaling and personal reflection.
But… I could only get myself so far along the journey. Then I needed some extra help.
I didn’t know at the time that there are coaches that specialized in healing pain so instead I found a life coach. They helped me breakthrough and change negative thought patterns I didn’t even realize I had which were contributing to the pain.
But the biggest game changer was deeply understanding my unique personality and how this was contributing to my stress and pain on a daily basis. I did this using Gallup’s Clifton Strengths Assessment.
I discovered the majority of my daily stress (and pain) was a result of me not using my greatest talents effectively. This simple tool quickly moved me from a place of reactivity and pain to a place of strength and resilience.
Did I become pain free over night?
But with the right combination of resources and support my first pain free day was sooner than I could have dreamed possible.
Next steps
If you think there is even a chance that your pain could be due to the mind-body approach check out the resources above or take the free self assessment – CLICK HERE.
I have struggled through my own journey with pain, so I know what it’s like. I’m here and ready to help you on your journey.
Let’s get back to living pain-free
Are you dealing with physical pain or think stress might be a factor? Do yourself a favor and reach out to me at gemma@gemmamcfall.com
Is your pain curable? Take this Free Self-Assessment and find out!
Let’s get started!